Sunday, August 15, 2010

RA finished ...Again ?

That's right,Ra is finished ...again .

BlingQueen made a poser a leader and the poser decided to remove all of the members from the infamous guild Rambos Army or (RA).

If what I heard is right ,then maybe RA is finished for good. Apparently the RA members and current loyal leaders got tired of the extra traitorous leaders and they decided to move all RA members to another guild.. (QM)

The other guild? QM : Quite Musical

They appear to be quite confident that they will once again soar to #1 but with a different guild .It all appears to be seen so you better get moving RA ,or should I say QM ?

Im glad that RA is was quite unoriginal.
WTG Blingqueen,Azareil..Original is good <3

Another short post by the infamous Me!!

You know you love me,


1 comment:

  1. Hey Babybride! xD Zirota here. :D
    Go to, Vult-r has said some new stuff, looks like EO is going to come back, but all our accounts and guilds got deleted, let's try to be the first to bring back RA! Tell Aza. Dx


Refrain from using bad language..Its reserved for me-GG