Saturday, March 6, 2010

Let's take a look ....

"How will little birdies talk ,when they are all gone ? "

It took a while but here you go ,a new post .Now let's see whats worth talking about :

''Whats worth talking about when all our elite are gone (meaning anyone who is a someone in my eyes )''

Gossip Girl

Its been a while since i last posted and a lot of things have taken place in endless online, i heard of a  mass duping or something that destroyed the endless economy, Darling Arvid's been  rampaging around and of course Bajzy's <3 dramatic leave from Guild exposure.

The game endless online isn't worth talking about i guess, i still feel obligated to post for my remaining faithful viewers that actually bother checking this blog.

Ive been going through all the endless online blogs and viewing the posts i have missed and the ones that are currently viewed, so far from of them only three significant blogs are alive:

Endless report:
They pretty much post all the random trash none cares or have use of (No offense WF) its the truth. This blog once posted all endless online news no matter how small it is...These days its dead..not counting the trash posts.

Endless wandering (Sanouske):
This blog was dead until last week when Sanouske surprised us all with a brand new post on a thief and then followed with another new one on the same thief who tried acting smart.

Nezlo's Source:
Azareil is probably the only one from this blog who actually makes the effort to make a post in this blog..i have to say the information is fairly useful..other than that..Azareil quit already.

There are other blogs still making an effort to post endless online news and tricks, make yourself known guys.If you want me to link your blog/site leave a comment below this post with name and site address.

Rettan also has posted something new on his blog..If im right thats also his last post for that blog..Then again i could be wrong.

There is this thing that got into my attention last week, some (Im guessing) Girls is begging for my attention and finding ways to insult me.Im pretty sure its not one person.

Name they go under:
(Not sure if they are the original people,but they go under these names)


Anyway guys, i know its a short post...illl try to keep posting more often..I do have a busy life..

plus i decided to do this Top American music chart thingy

BB's Todays Hit music

1.) Tick Tok -Ke$ha
2.)Imma be -Black eyed peas
3.)Blah blah blah- Ke$ha
4.)Carry out- JT and Timberland
5.)Bad romance- Lady Gaga
6.)Im my head- Jason Derulo
7.)According to you-Orianthi
8.)Bedrock-Lil wayne ft. Lloyd
9.)Alice-Avril Lavigne
10.)Rude boy-Rihanna

Until next time

You know you love me